British Council
British Council: Learn English Kids: What's That Noise?
Listen to a cute story about animal sounds. If you like, you can read along with it.
British Council
Learn English Kids: Old Mac Donald Hangman
If you know the animals in the Old MacDonald song, you can play this game of hangman. Practice spelling the farm vocabulary you know.
Ad Extra Support for Adolescent El Ls
Before- and after-school programs can play an important role in ELLs' success by providing a place and time for homework, extra academic support, and enrichment activities. These programs are particularly helpful for older students who...
Ad Phonics Instruction for Middle and High School El Ls
While it may seem the most expedient solution, it is not appropriate to put an older ELL student in a lower grade to receive the appropriate reading instruction. Age-appropriate activities integrated with academic content give older...
Ad Getting Ready for College: What Ell Students Need to Know
For ELLs, the challenges of going to college and finding the right opportunities can be overwhelming, but ELL teachers can play an important role helping students apply to college and preparing for the application process as well. This...
Ad Pre Reading Activities for El Ls
Pre-reading activities can engage student interest, activate prior knowledge, or pre-teach potentially difficult concepts and vocabulary. They also offer a great opportunity to introduce comprehension components such as cause and effect,...
Ad High Achieving Middle Schools for Latino Students in Poverty
What are the characteristics of middle schools in which Latino students from low-income families make substantial achievement gains?
Ad La Diferencia Entre El Ingles Social Y El Academico
El ingles social es el idioma de la comunicacion cotidiana en forma oral y escrita. Este articulo tiene algunas ejemplos.
Bradley's Online Interactive Activities: Match the Letters
Match the capital letter with the lower case letter given by the program, and see your score at the end.
English & Fun: Photocopiables
Photocopiable activities that ESL teachers can print out and use to help students learn English. A wide selection of materials, all designed to reinforce basic skills, are provided: vocabulary exercises (including math vocabulary); games...
Road to Grammar
Road to Grammar: Fluent: The Esl Challenge Game
Race against the clock to play games that help to build grammar and vocabulary skills.
Non Stop English
Vocabulary and grammar activities for secondary English Language Learners (ELLs) are the main focus of this free site. Students select their proficiency level and then are provided a menu of grammar and vocabulary activities to choose...
Other The Best Resource for Planning the First Day of School
A blog, written by Larry Ferlazzo, provides information and online resources from his book, Helping Students Motivate Themselves, on getting the school year off to a good start.
Bradley's Online Interactive Activities: Alphabetical Letters 1
Practice putting these capital letters in alphabetical order. Mistakes are not allowed to remain, but count against your final score.
Bradley's Online Interactive Activities: Alphabet Letters 2
Great practice for beginners. Click on each letter (lower case only) in alphabetical order. The program does not allow the user to put letters in the wrong order, but the mistakes count against the final score.
Bradley's Online Interactive Activities: Alphabetical Words 1
Practice alphabetizing, or use as a quiz. Click on the words and put them in the correct order. You get a score at the end, and encouragement.
Bradley's Online Interactive Activities: Alphabetical Words 2
Play as a game or use as a quiz, put the words in alphabetical order.
Bradley's Online Interactive Activities: Alphabetical Words 3
Put the words in alphabetical order and hear the cheers as you place each one correctly.
Bradley's Online Interactive Activities: Alphabetical Words 4
Practice alphabetical ordering. Help is there if you need it.
ICT Games
Ict Games Teaching Resources: Date Chart
Here is a handy way of reviewing dates in English plus basic weather conditions, English language learners of all ages can profit from using it. Click back to the home page to choose French or Spanish instead of English.