Quia: Capitalization Flash Cards
This site contains a flash card game with general rules for capitalization of proper nouns and adjectives. Students can choose their difficulty level.
Quia: Capitalization Concentration Game
This game is designed for practice in capitalization of proper nouns and adjectives. Skill level can be changed, new games started and answers given.
Grammarly Blog: Capitalization: Periods and Events (Not Century Numbers)
This page explains that historical periods and events are capitalized as proper nouns, but centuries are not. Examples are provided.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Capitalization of Proper Nouns
This slideshow focuses on the rules for capitalizing proper nouns. It defines proper nouns and lists rules for capitalizing family relationships, names, titles, derivatives of proper nouns, months, holidays, countries, and languages.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Capitalization of Proper Nouns
This slideshow defines proper nouns, explains why they are capitalized, and offers the rules for doing so.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Capitalization of Proper Nouns
This video lesson is designed to help students identify proper nouns and properly capitalize them. Real Player is required.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Capitalization: Proper vs. Common Nouns and Adjectives
Learn how to distinguish proper nouns and adjectives from common ones so you will be able to capitalize them correctly. This tutorial gives several examples and detailed explanations. A brief quiz will check your understanding.
South Carolina Educational Television
Know It All: Proper Nouns (Days and Months)
This is better for a "small group" lesson. Students will demonstrate understanding of proper nouns and know that days of the week and months of the year are always capitalized.
English Plus+
Capitalizing Proper Adjectives
Rules and examples for proper capitalization of adjectives are given.
English Plus+
Proper Nouns: Capitalization
Rules and examples of proper noun capitalization are given.
English Zone
English Zone: The Calendar: Days of the Week
This is a 20-question exercise/assessment about the days of the week. Students select answers to questions such as the day after Tuesday or the first day of the work week.
Quia: Metaphor Quiz
This capitalization quiz reinforces the general rules for capitalizing proper nouns and adjectives.
Review Game Zone: Bouncing Balls
In this game, students choose the sentence in the set that correctly capitalizes each proper noun. When the students answer the problem correctly, they get to play a ball blast game.
Quill: Capitalize Geographic Names
A ten question capitalization quiz where students have to type the sentence with the proper nouns correctly capitalized.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Capital Letters Days of the Week
Students will identify where a capital letter is required in a sentence that uses days of the week in this SMART whiteboard activity.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Capital Letters Months
Students will identify where a capital letter is required in a sentence relating to months in this whiteboard lesson activity provided by SMART.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Capital Letters Names
In this activity provided by SMART, students will identify where a capital letter is required in a sentence regarding names.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Capitalizing Proper Nouns
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of capitalizing proper nouns. Immediate feedback is given.