Library of Congress
Loc: Today in History: January 23: Poll Tax: Twenty Fourth Amendment Ratified
A brief description of the history of the poll tax and the passing of the 24th Amendment to abolish it. With primary sources accompanying the text and links to other resources.
Library of Congress
Loc: America's Story: 24th Amendment Ends Poll Tax
This 2-page article provides a brief explanation of the Poll Tax and the eventual Amendment that abolished it.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Classroom: Twenty Fourth Amendment
Text and explanation of the 24th Amendment banning poll tax.
Other Va. Poll Tax
A summary of the Virginia Poll Tax and the woman who challenged the tax all the way to the Supreme Court and won.
Library of Congress
Loc: America's Story: The 24th Amendment Ended the Poll Tax
Some American citizens were never able to exercise their voting rights because of the poll tax. Learn about the intentions behind prohibiting poor Americans from voting, and how the 24th Amendment to the Constitution banned the poll tax.
Thomson Reuters
Find Law: u.s. Constitution: Twenty Fourth Amendment
This resource provides the text of the amendment, and annotations about its application, including footnotes citing cases in U.S. history pertaining to the topic.
Siteseen: Government and Constitution: 24th Amendment
Short, simple summary with the full text of the 24th amendment that made it illegal to make anyone pay a tax to have the right to vote.