Pbs Learning Media: Mass Games
This Wide Angle video features the Mass Games, a colossal spectacle of rhythmic gymnastics, which celebrate the North Korean state.
Pbs Learning Media: Neeraj
Neeraj, a young girl in rural India who performs her household chores during the day and goes to school at night, is profiled in this video segment from Wide Angle.
Pbs Learning Media: New Worker Class
In this Wide Angle video, Dwanzhi She, a "gold-collar" worker in Beijing, gives viewers a tour of his new apartment.
Pbs Learning Media: Night Transport
This video from Wide Angle looks at transportation needs and services provided for the workers of India's outsourcing industry.
Pbs Learning Media: Pankisi Valley
In this video from Wide Angle, visit the Pankisi Valley, a no-man's-land in the Northeast of Georgia that has become home to the rebels and refugees of the Chechen war.
Pbs Learning Media: Women in Parliament
In this video segment from Wide Angle, learn about the representation of women in Rwanda's parliament.
Pbs Learning Media: Pifer Interview
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Steven Pifer discusses the United States' stance toward the Russian/Chechen conflict in this video from Wide Angle.
Pbs Learning Media: Refugee Camp
In this Wide Angle video segment, meet 16-year-old Rajap, a Chechen refugee who attempts to continue his education while living in a tent city.
Pbs Learning Media: Sex Ed & Community Values
In this video from Wide Angle, Egyptian men react to a discussion of an initiative in Qatar to include sex education in schools, a sensitive issue in many countries.
Pbs Learning Media: Shopping Culture
This video [2:19] from Wide Angle provides a look at the new opportunities and consumerism created by the success of India's outsourcing sector.
Pbs Learning Media: Home Village
In this video segment from Wide Angle, tour a village in the rural Chinese countryside.
Pbs Learning Media: Breathing
Breathing shows an underwater scene and asks the students to answer the question, How do the people, fish and turtle get the oxygen they need?
Pbs Learning Media: A Bright Idea
A Bright Idea shows several different power sources and asks students to write about friction, electricity, combustion or light.
Pbs Learning Media: Cars
Cars shows a car speeding away up a street and asks students to respond to the question, Do you ever feel unsafe and out of control when someone else is driving?
Pbs Learning Media: Drugs
The "Write Now" writing prompt on drugs shows a variety of technology and drug paraphernalia and asks the student to describe some of the benefits or problems associated with drugs.
Pbs Learning Media: Gravity of the Situation
Gravity of the Situation asks students to describe what role gravity plays on the movement of the three groups of kids in the video.
Pbs Learning Media: Sunrise or Sunset?
What difference does a sunrise or sunset make in your mood and which one do you prefer?
Pbs Learning Media: Yawn!
Write about something that you used to enjoy doing but that you no longer find interesting. What has changed and what have you learned?
Pbs Learning Media: Lehigh Valley Tempo: Canal History
The Lehigh Valley became a major part of the Industrial Revolution after coal was discovered in the area. In this short video, learn about the canal system that was built as a way to transport the coal from the local mines to New York...
Pbs Learning Media: James Buchanan
James Buchanan had an extraordinary political career before the presidency, serving as a state representative, a congressman, and as ambassador to Russia. This video highlights his career.
Pbs Learning Media: Bang
Students are asked to generate questions about fireworks that could be answered through scientifice evaluation.
Pbs Learning Media: Bird in Flight
Students are asked to explain the characteristics of the bird in flight and how adaptations would allow the bird to fly a particular way. [0:32]
Pbs Learning Media: Diffusion
Students are asked to explain the process shown as the red material is placed in the colorless liquid.