Pbs Learning Media: Stupid or Smart?
This video clip highlights several dangerous hobbies/past times and asks students to explain if they would do any of these and why.
Pbs Learning Media: Tourists!
Write a dialogue for the gulls, who appear to be having some issues with the humans cluttering their beach.
Pbs Learning Media: Traveling
Is it more important to know where you are going or where you have been?
Pbs Learning Media: Write Now!: Value
A video writing prompt where students are asked to consider the question, 'What do you think society values more than money?' [0:38]
Pbs Learning Media: Write Now! Career Writing Prompts: Physical Therapist
This Career Clip features Justin Snyder, Physical Therapist. Justin works for an inpatient facility helping people with neurological problems, spinal cord injuries and knee or hip replacements. He suggests that if you have an interest in...
Pbs Learning Media: Defying Gravity
Students are asked how acceleration, mass, momentum and velocity are involved in mountain boarding. [0:32]
Pbs Learning Media: Dna Spiral Staircase
Students are asked to compare and contrast the staircase pictured to the DNA molecule.
Pbs Learning Media: Just for You
Students are asked to explain how plants and animals may be classified as natural resources.
Pbs Learning Media: Now You See It
Students are asked to identify ways to help these endangered or threatened species.
Pbs Learning Media: What a Pest
Students are asked to identify issues related to integrated pest management and how they affect the environment.
Pbs Learning Media: Science Now! Agony of Defeat
A video clip asks students to explain how forces and motion affect the skier in the film. This is one in a series of creative writing prompts. [0:32]
Pbs Learning Media: Solar Flares
Students are asked to explain how solar flares on the sun affect us here on earth.
Pbs Learning Media: Space Travel
Students are asked to explain why the astronauts in the video are floating and what problems this phenomenon creates for people that travel in space.
Pbs Learning Media: Diamond Formation
An expert describes the carbon composition of diamonds, as well as the conditions necessary for diamond formation in this video segment from Nature.
Pbs Learning Media: Retrieving 2/8 of the Healing Stone
In this video segment from Cyberchase, Matt and Digit divide up the healing stone and discover equivalent fractions.
Pbs Learning Media: Effective Video Based Lessons
We offer you some hints, gathered over long experience of helping educators integrate video into their teaching, about how to make the most of VITAL video in your lessons.
Pbs Learning Media: Performance by Music of the Spheres
In this video segment from Cyberchase, Music of the Spheres plays a song using the correct beats and patterns, which helps to restore balance and harmony at Mount Olympus.
Pbs Learning Media: A Day at the Beach
A Day at the Beach entices students to think about what makes a perfect day at the beach including something from all of their senses.
Pbs Learning Media: Write Now! Career Prompt: Idd Therapist
This Career Clip features Carolyn Matsoe, an IDD Therapy Specialist with Coordinated Health in Bethlehem, PA. Carolyn will discuss what IDD stands for and how the best thing you can do for your career is do what you love to do.
Pbs Learning Media: Write Now! Manager of Organizational Effectiveness
This Career Clip features Meloney Sallie-Dosunmu, Manager of Organizational Effectiveness and Talent, Just Born Candy in Bethlehem, PA. She helps people to learn their jobs, becoming really good at it and to help them promote themselves.
Pbs Learning Media: Kid Inventor: The Collapsible Lacrosse Stick
In this video segment from ZOOM, Lauren explains how she invented a way to make her lacrosse stick fit in her backpack. [1:09]
Pbs Learning Media: Sea Life Is Troubled by Noise
This article from Science a GoGo describes the risks that increasing noise pollution in ocean waters may pose to the creatures that live there. Once you read it, you'll never tap on a fish tank again!