Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media: Education: Using Keywords (K 2)
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students understand that keyword searching is an effective way to locate information on the Internet. They learn how to select keywords to produce the best search results to meet their goals. Then they...
Enchanted Learning
Enchanted Learning: Easy Web Tips to Teach Children
Web instructions written for kids include information about using the mouse, links, scrolling, going back a page, and resizing the window.
Learn My Way
Learn My Way: Using the Internet
In this online course, students will learn all about browsing the Internet. They'll learn about using a web browser to view websites, how to create bookmarks, and what copyright means for online resources.
Education Place
Houghton Mifflin: Eduplace: Using the Web
The World Wide Web is a great place to find more information about a topic. But there are a lot of sites out there - some are good and some are not so good. Here are some steps to help students use the Web to do research.
The Digital Scoop: Kindergarten Kids Love Zoo Borns!
In this lesson, the teacher gives each child an animal name and has them find it on the ZooBorns website. They then choose an animal they like and search for that.