Fishin for Facts Library
A comprehensive site that includes a wealth of information on whales, sharks, penguins and squid.
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Aquarium: Northern Elephant Seal
A variety of information on Northern Elephant Seals, such as habitat, diet, conservation efforts and cool facts, is provided at this resource.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Elephant Seal (Mirounga)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of Mirounga, more commonly known as the Elephant Seal.
Wonder Club: Elephant Seal
A comprehensive site that contains information on habits, breeding, food, hunting, and special adaptations. Key bullet-pointed facts are also provided for size, breeding, and lifestyle.
Ocean Oasis: Field Guide
Ocean Oasis is a giant-screen film that depicts Mexico's Sea of Cortes and the Baja California desert. This companion site features much of the information the film has, such as beautiful images of animals, water, and land that have...
Canadian Museum of Nature
Canadian Museum of Nature: Northern Elephant Seal
Information about the northern elephant seal is found here, along with some photos.