University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Story of Exploration and Adventure in Africa
A scanned copy of the 1897 publication of The Story of Exploration and Adventure in Africa by Prescott Holmes, a nonfiction for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Story of Magellan
A scanned copy of the 1897 publication of The Story of Magellan by George Makespeace Towle, a nonfiction for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Story of Marco Polo
A scanned copy of the 1897 publication of The Story of Marco Polo by Marco Polo, an autobiography for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Story of Siegfried
A scanned copy of the 1897 publication of The Story of Siegfried by James Baldwin, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Story Shop for the Little Folk
A scanned copy of the 1897 publication of The Story Shop for the Little Folk by Molesworth, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Strange Adventures of Some Very Old Friends
A scanned copy of the 1897 publication of Strange Adventures of Some Very Old Friends by Dorothea S. Sinclair, a fiction book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Little Saint Elizabeth by Frances Hodgson Burnett
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Little Saint Elizabeth and Other Stories by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1890), a collection of four children's stories.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes by Dalziel Brothers
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Mother Goose's Nursery Rhymes by Dalziel Brothers (1890), a collection nursery rhymes, poems, and songs.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Neptune or the Autobiography of a Newfoundland Dog by E Burrows
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Neptune or The Autobiography of a Newfoundland Dog by E. Burrows (1890), a novel about the life of a dog from the dog's point of view.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Nursery "Alice" by Lewis Carroll
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book The Nursery "Alice" by Lewis Carroll (1890), an illustrated version of the novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland for young children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Pictures of St. Paul Drawn in an English Home by A. L. O. E.
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Pictures of St. Paul Drawn in an English Home by A. L. O. E. (1890) a children's novel.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Some Other People by Alice Weber
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Some Other People by Alice Weber (1890) an illustrated children's novel.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Through Magic Gasses and Other Lectures by Arabella Buckley
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Through Magic Gasses and Other Lectures by Arabella Buckley (1890) a science chapter book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Through Magic Gasses and Other Lectures by Arabella Buckley
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Through Magic Gasses and Other Lectures by Arabella Buckley (1890), a science chapter book for children.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Very Good Pictures and Tales by Francis
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Very Good Pictures and Tales to Laugh at, to Draw, and to Colour by Francis (1890), a collection of stories, poems, and coloring pages.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: The Young Folks Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book The Young Folks Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan (1890), Bunyan's immortal allegory, with all the theological discussions left out.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Rosebud Stories for the Young by Mrs. Harriet Myrtle
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Rosebud Stories for the Young by Mrs. Harriet Myrtle [1870], a collection of illustrated stories.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Alice's Watch: A Christmas Story by Charlotte Mary Yonge, Ed.
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Alice's Watch: A Christmas Story edited by Charlotte Mary Yonge [1870].
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Alphabet of Old Testament History by Pott & Amery's
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Alphabet of Old Testament History by Pott & Amery's [1870]. This is an illustrated alphabet of Biblical people, but they do not include the names of the people.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Annie Lyon, Or, the Secret of a Happy Home by Mason Young
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's novel Annie Lyon, or, The Secret of a Happy Home by Mason Young [1870].
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Arthur's Alphabet by Mc Loughlin Bros.
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Aunt Mayflower's Play Book: Arthur's Alphabet by McLoughlin Bros.[1870]. This is a book of illustrated alphabet rhymes and vocabulary word lists.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Aunt Friendly's Nursery Keepsake by Sarah S. Baker
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Aunt Friendly's Nursery Keepsake by Sarah S. Baker [1870]. This is a book of illustrated nursery rhymes, poems, and stories.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Aunt Kitty's Stories by Justin H. Howard
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Aunt Kitty's Stories by Justin H. Howard [1870]. This is a book of illustrated nursery rhymes and poems.
University of Florida
Baldwin Library: Aunt Louisa's Nursery Favourite by Laura Valentine
This is an online photocopy of the original text of the children's book Aunt Louisa's Nursery Favourite by Laura Valentine [1870]. This is a collection of illustrated fairy tales, poems, and stories.