American Presidency Project
American Presidency Project: Wilson's Proclamation Establishing Conscription
Find the text of the presidential proclamation which established the draft in World War I. President Wilson signed this proclamation on May 18, 1917.
Chicago History Museum
Encyclopedia of Chicago: World War I
World War I brought turmoil to Chicago because of its large immigrant population, especially Germans. Read about how the war affected the politics and industry of Chicago both during and after the war.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Price of Freedom: "I Want You" Poster
View the iconic "I Want You" poster, versions of which were used to recruit forces for the U.S. armed services during both world wars. Also view the poster in context, with other posters and broadsides used to send Americans to war.
University at Buffalo
Poland in the Classroom: Polish Blue Army of World War I
This interesting essay describes the eagerness of Polish-Americans to fight in World War I. Read about their training, where they saw action, and what happened to the Blue Army after the war.
Siteseen: American Historama: Ww1 Mobilization
This article provides detailed facts and a summary about getting troops and supplies together ready for WW1 Mobilization.
Siteseen: American Historama: 1917 Selective Service Act
Comprehensive overview presents facts and information pertaining to the 1917 Selective Draft Act and the Draft Boards.