Pbs Learning Media: Pbs Kids: My Family and Me Bingo: Grades 1 and 2
A bilingual, weekly "Learn Along" Bingo card (one for PreK-K, one for Grades 1 & 2) will include a range of thematic learning opportunities for children to choose their own learning adventure. Printables require minimal supplies or...
Pbs Learning Media: Celebrating Fall Bingo: Pre K and K: Pbs Kids
Enjoy "Learn Along" Bingo! This week, we're learning how to investigate plants. Disfrute con Bingo! Esta semana, estaremos aprendiendo a como investigar las plantas. It includes six resources.
Tvo Kids: Quest of Epic Proportions
Play this adventure game to find out what the dragon wants.
Curated OER
Cbc Kids: Games: Word Snaps
An anagram word game that lets you test yourself or play with another.
Class Flow: Draw a Man
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart contains a word game much like hangman where students are to try and guess the word before the man is completed constructed...
Class Flow: Gazillionaire Game
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a template for creating an assessment game for any subject area.
Class Flow: Jeopardy Game
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a template for a Jeopardy game. Questions and answers can be added for use in any subject area.
Class Flow: Jeopardy Template
[Free Registration/Login Required] Created by Matthew Barfield North Albemarle Elementary School Stanly County Schools Albemarle, NC. Use this template to input your own questions, regardless of subject area, to create a fun and exciting...
Braingle: Language Brain Teasers
"Manipulate words and letters" with these "language brain teasers" that ask you to think about letters, anagrams, syllables, consonants, rhymes, and other topics that you talk about in English class. Try the brain teasers presented here,...
Vocabulary Spelling City
Vocabulary Spelling City
This interactive spelling and vocabulary site allows students and teachers to type in their own list of spelling and/or vocabulary words, or choose from featured vocabulary and a spelling list. Students master concepts through games,...
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Charades Game Word List
This is a list of book, movie, and television show titles to be used to compile a list for a game of charades. It also explains the basic rules for the game and how to choose words for different groups.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Christmas Words Scramble
This is a collection of Christmas word scramble activities including letter scramble, sentence scramble, and a Christmas words scramble game. Answer keys are provided.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Games for Grammar Usage
This article discusses games for learning grammar usage including classroom games like Invisible Grammar Guy, Rhyme That Word; how teachers can make their own games using online word search and puzzle makers; and online grammar game...
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Games to Play With Children to Build Vocabulary
This article offers insight on how children best learn vocabulary while having fun and using a variety of both audio and visual stimulation, as well as tactile components. It offers four sample games: Prefix/Suffix Game, Vocabulary...
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Grammar Games for Kids
This article explains some games that can be used to help students learn grammar and vocabulary while having fun. These include Grandmother's Cat and Invisible Grammar Guy.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Rhyming Word Games
This article explains that rhyming words help children learn to spell. It describes how to play three different rhyming word games: Disappearing Rhyme Man, Rhyme that Word, and Rhyme Hunt.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Sequential Word Games
This article discusses the use of sequential word games Scrabble and Boggle to build vocabulary.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Thanksgiving Word Games
This article focuses on Thanksgiving Day word games; it includes a list of Thanksgiving words and ideas to generate more of them and explains some word games like Turkey on the Table.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Valentine's Day Word Games
This article focuses on Valentine's Day word games including providing a word list for Valentine's Day, and suggesting activities such as writing love letters and playing Valentine charades.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Vocabulary Games to Play in Groups
This article focuses on board games played in groups that can improve vocabulary including Scrabble, Boggle, Scattergories, Taboo, and Random Words.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Winter Word Games
This article discusses winter word games including Melting Snowman, Draw It, and Password.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Word Jumble Solver
This article offers tips for unscrambling words.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Classroom Rebuses
This article discusses the use of rebus (combination of pictures and words) puzzles and stories in the classroom; it also supplies a list of online sources for rebus puzzles and stories.