Wikipedia: Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis)
Learn about the life and religious work of Jorge Bergoglio, who became Pope Francis in March 2013.
Cnn: Student News: Week of 4 28 14: April 24, 2014
News program reports on the current events of the day. Includes a video, transcript and critical analysis questions. Video.
Cnn en Espanol: Week of 4 28 14: Papa Francisco Proclama Santos
In Spanish. Article reports on the recent canonization of two prior Popes by the current Pope Francis.
The Holy See: Francis
From the Holy See (the church jurisdiction of the Catholic Church in Rome), this resource provided comprehensive information about Pope Francis, including a biography, an album of photographs, and many of his writings.
America: A Big Heart Open to God
Text of an extensive interview with Pope Francis which took place about six months after his election to the Papacy in 2013. The interviewer was representing several notable Jesuit journals.
Scholastic News: A Pope From South America
This article is about the election of the new Pope, who is the first Pope from South America.
Bbc Newsround: Medals Withdrawn After Spelling Mistake
Brief article reports that a papal medal commemorating Pope Francis' first year has been withdrawn after a spelling mistake on the medal was discovered.