Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Glazed Clay Bowl
This glazed clay bowl has a conical body supported on a high base. The bowl is widest at the top and narrows towards the base. Bowls of this sort were used to make yoghurt (zabadi) and were known as "zebdiyya."
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Jug of Lagynos Style
A pottery lagynos, which is considered to be one of the containers that were sealed, such as jars, amphorae and oinochoi, which were used to preserve liquids and were all related to table service all through the Hellenistic period.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Large Pot With a Lid
A large pot with a lid; in the center of the lid there is a round piece that serves as a handle, and on which there is a scene of the crucifixion.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Jar for Holding Liquids
A small jar that has a high cylindrical neck and a moderately high round body. It was part of the table service and was used to serve liquids. Such jars were commonly used all through the Hellenistic period.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Jar in Shape of Rooster
The jar in the shape of a rooster was used to store liquids. The beak is the opening for pouring out the liquid. The body is decorated with the typical colors for this kind of bird, especially the red color.
Curated OER
Eternal Egypt: Large Jar With a Straight Brim
The large jar, used for storing food and liquids, has a straight rim and rests on a flat base. It is decorated with gilded fishes and other sea creatures and drawings of a saint inside circles.