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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Fort Thompson Mounds
An image of the Fort Thompson Mounds.
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Wikipedia: Natl Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Mount Rushmore Natl Memorial
An image of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial.
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Verendrye Site
An image of the Verendrye Site.
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Wikipedia: Natl Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Fort Pierre Chouteau Site
An image of the Fort Pierre Chouteau Site.
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Crow Creek Site
An image of the Crow Creek Site.
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Blood Run Site
An archaeological site overlapping into Iowa.
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Wounded Knee
An image of Wounded Knee.
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Bear Butte
An image of Bear Butte.
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Frawley Ranch
An image of the Frawley Ranch.
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Langdeau Site
An image of the Langdeau Site.
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Wikipedia: Natl Historic Landmarks in Sd: Minuteman Missile Natl Historic Site
An image of the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site.
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Molstad Village
A fortified prehistoric village of five circular house rings enclosed by a ditch comprises this archaeological site. It represents a transitional period as the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara peoples arose from the mixing of Central Plains...
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Bloom Site
This fortified archaeological site preserves the remains of about 25 rectangular houses dating to c.1000 CE. The site also once contained several burial mounds, which were later destroyed by cultivation. Site was perhaps occupied by...
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Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Arzberger Site
Archaeological site of a fortified village.
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Wikipedia: Natl Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Deadwood Historic District
An image of the Deadwood Historic District.