Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: View of the Left Hand Wall of the Chapel
An image of "View of the left-hand wall of the chapel", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: View of the Right Hand Wall of the Chapel
An image of "View of the right-hand wall of the chapel", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: The School of Tagaste (Scene 1, North Wall)
An image of "The School of Tagaste (scene 1, north wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
St Augustine at the University of Carthage (Scene 2, North Wall)
An image of "St Augustine at the University of Carthage (scene 2, north wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: St Augustine Leaving His Mother (Scene 3, East Wall)
An image of "St Augustine Leaving his Mother (scene 3, east wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Disembarkation at Ostia (Scene 5, East Wall)
An image of "Disembarkation at Ostia (scene 5, east wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: St Augustine Teaching in Rome (Scene 6, South Wall)
An image of "St Augustine Teaching in Rome (scene 6, south wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: St Augustine Departing for Milan (Scene 7, South Wall)
An image of "St Augustine Departing for Milan (scene 7, south wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Arrival of St Augustine in Milan (Scene 8, North Wall)
An image of "Arrival of St Augustine in Milan (scene 8, north wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Scenes With St Ambrose (Scene 9, North Wall)
An image of "Scenes with St Ambrose (scene 9, north wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
St Augustine Reading the Epistle of St Paul (Scene 10, East Wall)
An image of "St Augustine Reading the Epistle of St Paul (scene 10, east wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Baptism of St Augustine (Scene 11, East Wall)
An image of "Baptism of St Augustine (scene 11, east wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: The Parable of the Holy Trinity (Scene 12, South Wall)
An image of "The Parable of the Holy Trinity (scene 12, south wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Death of St Monica (Scene 13, South Wall)
An image of "Death of St Monica (scene 13, south wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 220 x 230 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: St Sebastian Intercessor
An image of "St Sebastian Intercessor", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, 527 x 248 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Blessing of the Faithful at Hippo (Scene 14, North Wall)
An image of "Blessing of the Faithful at Hippo (scene 14, north wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, width 440 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Funeral of St Augustine (Scene 17, South Wall)
An image of "Funeral of St Augustine (scene 17, south wall)", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1464-65 (Fresco, width 440 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: The Vintage and Drunkenness of Noah
An image of "The Vintage and Drunkenness of Noah", created by Benozzo Gozzoli from 1469-84 (Fresco).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: San Domenico Annunciation
An image of "San Domenico Annunciation", created by Benozzo Gozzoli, c. 1449 (Tempera on wood, 120 x 140 cm).
Curated OER
Madonna and Child With Sts Francis and Bernardine, and Fra Jacopo
An image of "Madonna and Child with Sts Francis and Bernardine, and Fra Jacopo", created by Benozzo Gozzoli, c. 1452 (Tempera on panel, 34 x 54 cm).
Curated OER
Web Gallery of Art: Madonna and Child
An image of "Madonna and Child", created by Benozzo Gozzoli, c. 1460 (Tempera on panel, 84,8 x 50,6 cm).