University of Birmingham Philological Museum: Latin Poetry of Thomas Campion
Very extensive text of Campion's Latin poetry with Latin text, translations, commentary notes, and textual notes.
Luminarium: Works of Sir Thomas Wyatt
Clickable list to the full texts of selected poems by Sir Thomas Wyatt, including his songs, sonnets, odes, epigrams, and satires.
Luminarium: Thomas Campion
Links from this site access biographical information concerning Thomas Campion, texts of his works, articles and essays about his works, and a list of other available sources.
University of Toronto (Canada)
Selected Poetry of Thomas Campion (1567 1620)
Six full-text poems by the English Renaissance poet Thomas Campion.
Bartleby.com: Thomas Campion
Extensive, detailed biography of Thomas Campion from the "Cambridge History of English and American Literature."
Bartleby.com: Thomas Campion
A survey of Campion's works from the Cambridge History of English and American Literature. Includes link to an essay on his prosody.
Bartleby.com: Elizabethan Criticism
A discussion of Thomas Campion's literary criticism from the Elizabethan period. From the Cambridge History of English and American Literature.
Wikipedia: Epigram
Wikipedia provides the definition of an epigram, including examples of epigrams by a number of poets.
Recmusic.org: Thomas Campion (1567 1620)
Listing of ten songs by Thomas Campion (1567-1620) with links to the song texts.
Bartleby.com: Oxford Book of English Verse: "A Hymn in Praise of Neptune"
Full text of Thomas Campion's "A Hymn in Praise of Neptune" from the Oxford Book of English Verse.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Literary Term: Fable
The University of Victoria's English department gives a comprehensive definition of fables. Example included.
Washington State University
Washington State University: Epigram/epigraph/ Epitaph/epithet
This site gives a definition of the word "epigram." It also includes a few examples of epigrams.
Bob's Byway: Glossary of Poetic Terms
Calling itself "unique," Bob's is easy to use, with cross-links throughout, phonetic pronunciation guides when necessary, and many examples and quotations. Click on the letter and scroll for the word.