American Association of Physics Teachers
Com Padre Digital Library: Open Source Physics: Compton Effect
Simulation demonstrating the Compton Effect; how light is scattered off an electron. Adjust the angle of the scattering to see how Compton's equation can be used to predict the angle of the photon that is scattered.
Ohio Public Library Information Network: Famous Ohioans
Ohio Public Library Information Network provides this site where you can play games, read biographies, find book titles and links for more information about astronauts, Indians, inventors, presidents, and women.
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Arthur Holly Compton Biographical
In addition to overviewing Compton's (1892-1962 CE) studies in x-rays, this article includes information on Compton's published works, his education, and personal life.
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Arthur Compton Nobel Lecture: X Rays as a Branch of Optics
This site from the Nobel eMuseum provides great information on Arthur Holly Compton. The information is provided by links, ranging from a biography to the presentation speech, along with the nobel lecture and other resources.