Syracuse University
Oneida Community Collection: John Humphrey Noyes: The Putney Community
This site provides the online text to a biography about John Humphrey Noyes. It is divided into three sections: his ancestry and early life, the Putney Community, the Oneida Community.
Digital History
Digital History: Utopian Socialism
A good look at the Utopian communities that were attempted in the first half of the 19th century. They had differing reasons for their development, but their common focus was trying a unique way of communal living. Read about the Oneida...
Yale University
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: Utopian Communities, 1800 1890
This site is a lesson plan for students to follow for an assignment dealing with Utopian communities but it does include some background on some of the various Utopian communities of the 19th century.
Nyhn: The Oneida Community
This site gives some background information about the Oneida Community. Also provides information about the founder, John Humphrey Noyes, and lists the "doctrines" of the community.