Gifts of Speech: Marian Wright Edelman: Standing Up for the World's Children
The text of a speech given by Marian Wright Edelman, founder of the Children's Defense Fund. This speech was originally given at the State of the World Forum in 1996.
National Women's Hall of Fame
National Women's Hall of Fame: Marian Wright Edelman
Learn about the life of the founder of the Children's Defense Fund. Marian Wright Edelman is a tireless champion for civil rights and an advocate for children.
My Hero Project
My Hero: Marian Wright Edelman
Use this site to learn about the contributions of Marian Wright Edelman, a civil rights activist and the founder of the Washington Research Project, which "engendered the Children's Defense Fund." This article includes "related links"...
Encyclopedia Britannica
Encyclopedia Britannica: Marian Wright Edelman
This entry from Encyclopaedia Britannica features Marian Wright Edelman, an American lawyer and civil rights activist who founded the Children's Defense Fund in 1973. This site, rich in detail and breadth of coverage, includes a video...