Pbs News Hour: Haiti in Turmoil
This site provides links to the most recent news articles and reports concerning Haiti. Emphasis is placed on Haiti's government, its political history, and its former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.
New York Times
New York Times: Haiti News
[Free Registration/Login Required] This site provides a comprehensive overview of Haiti's history as well as links to news articles about the country that date back to 1980. Links to interactive media concerning the 2010 earthquake in...
The Guardian
Guardian: Quake Torn Haiti Hit by Floods
Guardian correspondent Rory Carroll discusses the widespread flooding in Haiti following the earthquake that hit the country in January 2010. (March 1, 2010)
Bbc: Us Urges Aristide to Delay Return
This article discusses the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Haiti in time for the 2011 run-off election and the reaction of the United States. Links to related articles are featured. (March 14, 2011)
Nations Online Project
Nations Online: Haiti
This reference tool takes you on a virtual trip to Haiti. A broad overview is given on its art, culture, people, environment, geography, history, economy, and government. There are numerous links available that will provide you with more...
The Guardian
Guardian: Haiti Flood Death Toll Rises to 2400
This article discusses the 2004 floods in Haiti and the effects of these flood on the Haitian population. (September 29, 2004)
Bbc: Haiti Flooding Kills at Least 23 People
This article discusses the increasing number of deaths in Haiti caused by widespread flooding. (June 7, 2011)
Curated OER
Bbc: Rain Triggers Deadly Floods in Haiti: Haiti Earthquake
An image of the inadequate shelters constructed to protect Haiti's population from the heavy rain that followed the 2010 Earthquake
Curated OER
Bbc: Haiti Flooding Kills at Least 23 People: Haiti Floods
An image of a young girl looking for her belongings after the heavy rains caused flooding in Haiti following the 2010 Earthquake