Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Electrical Fleas
Create your own "flea" circus in this activity by using the effects of static electricity. Students will observe a charged object attraction to the opposite charge causing the object to jump.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Hand Held Heat Engine
Can you defy the force of gravity by making liquid in a toy rise and fall without turning it over? This experiment will show you how to use hand boiler that uses temperature and pressure to move liquid into the top chamber.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Slinky in Hand
Use a Slinky toy to investigate the resonance of transverse and longitudinal waves.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Vector Toy
Try this walking toy activity to learn about the directional forces that act on it to control its movements.
Exploratorium: Global Climate Change: Cryosphere
Examine the effects climate has on the snow and ice covered cryosphere and see live data gathered from the North and South Poles.
Exploratorium: Sheep Brain Dissection
A very good comparative study of the sheep brain to our brain. Looking for "Memory", or more precisely the location of memory in the brain.
Exploratorium: Frog Myths Across Cultures
From myths abound with the frog being known as a trickster, magician, master of escapes, spells, symbol of fertility and renewal. Learn about the interesting frog myths that exist in this enjoyable site.
Exploratorium: Balloon Blow Up
Students can experiment at home with expanding balloons, dancing raisins, and pop cans that have been shaken up.
Exploratorium: Remote Control Roller
Students can make a empty soda can roll with an electrically charged balloon.
Exploratorium: Global Climate Change: Atmosphere
Use this site to explore real scientific data relating to the atmosphere. With this information you can gather evidence, test theories, and come to conclusions. Click on the data examples to view a full scale version.
Exploratorium: Global Climate Change: Biosphere
Explore real scientific data relating to the biosphere. With this information, you can gather evidence, test theories, and come to conclusions. Click on the data examples to view a full-scale version.
Exploratorium: Making a Sun Clock
Learn how to use the sun to tell time. This simple activity reinforces the concepts of light and shadow, night and day, time, and geographical north vs. magnetic north.
Exploratorium: The Science of Cycling
Very informative site from The Exploratorium about the science of bicycling. You can learn about the development of the wheel, how gears work on a bike, even how brakes were developed. Perfect site for research on bikes.
Exploratorium: Third From the Sun
This site offers a short history of the evolution of the space program and man's quest for more revealing and detailed pictures of the earth.
Exploratorium: Science of Cooking: Your Sense of Taste
How does your tongue taste? This site has tounge images, quizzes, activities and more.
Exploratorium: The Science of Eggs
Hard cooked or raw, can you tell? This site has egg recipes and activities, scientific processes of eggs, and more from Exploratorium.com.
Exploratorium: Science of Sugar
What is a sucrose molecule? What does the Candy-o-matic do? Fun candy science recipes and activities are listed at this site.
Exploratorium: Cern: Linear Accelerator
From CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, this site provides a brief description of the physics underlying how a linear accelerator works.
Exploratorium: Cern: Accelerate the Particle
Contains a game which illustrates the manner in which changing electromagnetic fields can accelerate charged particles in a linear accelerator.
Exploratorium: Science of Cooking: Bread Science and Facts
Find out the science behind making bread. This site from Exploratorium turns your kitchen into a lab and you can do much more than bake bread. Do experiments with yeast, and find out what is so exciting about gluten.
Exploratorium: Traits of Life: How Does a Muscle Work? [Pdf]
Poster illustrates how muscles turn energy into movement.
Exploratorium: The Science of Sports Cycling
A detailed look at the aerodynamic principles associated with cycling. Good science and even better web page design. Includes an online calculator that allows the user to calculate the aerodynamic drag and propulsive power of a bicyclist...
Exploratorium: Pringles Pinhole
Simple directions to make a pinhole camera from a pringles can! Try this experiment. You'll be surprised at what you find.
Exploratorium: Ice Stories: Ice and Sediment Cores
Learn how scientists look inside glacial ice sheets by studying ice cores and use the clues found there to learn about past climates.