Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Left Brained Writing Prompt: The Start and Stop Game: Clauses
To use this writing prompt generator, click on the button until you find a subordinate clause that inspires a description or a poem in your mind. Sometimes just one good clause can put a whole story idea in your head! The object of every...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Left Brained Writing Prompt: The Unlikely Lost and Found
What interesting and unusual items might you write a Lost & Found Ad for? Devote a page in your journal or writer's notebook to write several unusual Lost & Found Ads this year. Use the lost and found writing prompt generator to...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Left Brained Writing Prompt: Rather Unlikely Dictionary Entries
After studying dictionary entries including structure and writing style, create unlikely dictionary entries for things in your life. If you really can't think of any, press the button on the generator to get a few ideas. Do your best to...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Left Brained Writing Prompt: Rather Unlikely Employment Resumes
After studying the structure and writing style of resumes, create an unlikely resume for a specific thing in your life. What in your life might need to apply for another job some day, maybe when you are done with it? Your car? Your bed?...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Left Brained Writing Prompt: Mini Workshop: Ouch! That Hurt
For this mini-workshop, click the step-by-step instruction button and try to remember the details of a time when you got hurt. Follow the instructions exactly by clicking the instruction button one step at a time.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Left Brained Writing Prompt: Mini Workshop: To Be Perfectly Honest
Think about a time you lied. You are going to write a description about a time when you were less than truthful. When you are ready to begin writing, get some scratch paper and a pencil, then click the button and follow the directions on...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix:left Brained Writing Prompt: Mini Workshop:favorite Person & Song
Do you have a favorite person--a friend or a family member? Do you have a favorite song? Think about putting your favorite person and your favorite song together in a fictional scene. Make an interesting piece of writing by using really...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Left Brained Writing Prompt: Mini Workshop: Magical Creatures
HELP! Many magical creatures are still not in our Magical Creature Field Guide! We don't know who they are, where they live, what they eat, what their magical abilities are or even what they look like! It is your job to help create these...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Left Brained Writing Prompt: Mini Workshop: Building a Setting
This mini-workshop provides step-by step instructions to help students build a great setting for their stories. Press the instructions button when ready to begin.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Left Brained Writing Prompt: Mini Worshop: People to Write About
In this mini-workshop, students are provided step-by-step instructions for writing about important people in their lives that they have not yet written about. Click the instructions button when you are ready to begin.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Left Brained Writing Prompt: Extreme Alliteration: Tongue Twisters
Choose from the tongue twister starter generator and use these words at the beginning, middle, or end of a BIGGER tongue twister you create. Don't make just a line of alliteration; make a line of alliteration that's really challenging to...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Picture Book Writing Lesson: Same Theme/different Story Stories
After enjoying the picture book Six-Dinner Sid by Inga Moore, learners will work in small groups to generate possible themes that the book is trying to teach its readers. Themes will be shared in whole-group, and a class list of the best...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Little Red Riding Hook: Alternatives to Introductions & Hooks [Pdf]
This is a PDF offering eight alternatives for how to write engaging introductions to common fairy tales.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Hamburger Paragraph Template for Students [Pdf]
This is a PDF hambuger template (graphic organizer) to help students organize and write stronger paragraphs.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A 6 Trait Writing Lesson: Emotional Recipe Write Ups
The writer studies the format of well-written recipes, paying particular attention to the type of verbs used in the paragraph of instructions which always follow the list of needed ingredients. Next, the writer thinks up a story or...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Writing Fix's List of Prepositions [Pdf]
This is a PDF providing a handout with an extensive list of prepositions.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Subordinating Conjunction Rules [Pdf]
This PDF provides a writer's handout which covers the rules for using subordinating conjunctions. There are three complex sentence patterns to learn with subordinating conjunctions. Two patterns require you to make use of commas; one...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Participial Phrases [Pdf]
This PDF can be used as an overhead or handout. It shows how sentences can be strengthened when two or more sentences are combined with the use of participial phrases.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Grocery List Spelling [Pdf]
This PDF activity page offers a unique way to study spelling words. Students do one activity (such as make a crossword with their spelling list and definitions) from three of the four grocery store departments: meat, produce, bakery, and...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Tic Tac Toe Spelling [Pdf]
For this PDF spelling activity, choose three activities "in a row" to complete for your weekly spelling assignments. These activities include creating a comic strip using at least seven of your spelling words, write your spelling words...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Constructed Response Organizer [Pdf]
This PDF is a graphic organizer designed two help students respond to a writing prompt.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Revising Leads [Pdf]
Revision can be a difficult step to teach in the classroom. Use this tool to help students better understand how to revise their leading sentences. [PDF]
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Revision of Word Choice [Pdf]
Helping students revise their rough drafts can be a difficult process. Make it a little easier with this 3-step lesson regarding revision of word choice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Wacky Frame of History
Inspired by Barry Lane's book 51 Wacky We-Search Reports, in this cross-curricular instructional activity students learn to present researched material in a collage format.