Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Population, 1840
A map of the central and eastern United States in 1840 showing the distribution of the population in the region at the time. The map shows State lines, the frontier line in 1840, and is keyed to show the areas of population density...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Population Density, 1910
A map of the United States showing the distribution of the population in 1910. The map is keyed to show areas of population with densities ranging from under 2 inhabitants per square mile to 90 and over inhabitants per square mile. The...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: American Population, 1790
A map of the original thirteen States in 1790 showing the distribution of the European-American population at the time and the general tribal lands of the Native Americans east of the Mississippi River. The map shows the State lines,...
Curated OER
Etc: Center of Population, 1790 1900
A map from 1919 showing the mean center of population of the United States, calculated at each census from 1790 to 1900. The map illustrates the westward expansion of territory and migration during the period. "The center of population...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Density of Population, 1898
A map from 1898 showing the density of population in the contiguous 48 states at the time. The map is coded to show areas of density ranging from sparsely populated to areas of dense population. "The eastern half of the United States...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Population Distribution, 1860
A map of the central and eastern United States in 1860 showing the distribution of the population in the region at the time. The map shows State lines, the frontier line in 1860, and is keyed to show the areas of population density...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Population Distribution, 1870
A map from 1907 of the United States showing the distribution of the population in 1870. The map is keyed to show areas of population with densities ranging from under 2 inhabitants per square mile to 90 and over inhabitants per square...
Curated OER
Etc: Center of u.s. Population, 1790 1880
The theoretical position of the mean center of population in the United States at the close of each census decade from 1790-1880.
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Distribution of Population, 1880
A map of the United States showing the distribution of the population in 1880. The map is keyed to show areas of population with densities ranging from under 2 inhabitants per square mile to 90 and over inhabitants per square mile.
Curated OER
Etc: Maps Etc: Distribution of Population , 1850
A map of the United States showing the population distribution in 1850. The map is coded to show population densities ranging from under 2 inhabitants per square mile to over 90 inhabitants per square mile. The map illustrates the...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Distribution of Population, 1790
A map of the original thirteen States in 1790 showing State lines, territories northwest and south of the Ohio River, British and Spanish possessions, and the distribution of the European-American population east of the Mississippi River...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Distribution of Population, 1820
A population map of United States and territories in 1820 showing the distribution of the European-American population at the time and the general tribal lands of the Native Americans east of the Mississippi River. The map shows the...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Distribution of Population, 1820
A population map of United States and territories in 1820 showing the distribution of the European-American population at the time and the general tribal lands of the Native Americans east of the Mississippi River. The map shows the...
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Distribution of Population, 1830
A population map of United States and territories in 1830 showing the distribution of the European-American population at the time and the general tribal lands of the Native Americans east of the Mississippi River. The map shows the...
Curated OER
Etc: Maps Etc: Population in the United States, 1900
A map from 1910 of the United States showing the distribution of the population in 1900. The map is keyed to show areas of population with densities ranging from under 2 inhabitants per square mile to 90 and over inhabitants per square...
Curated OER
Etc: Maps Etc: United States City Distributions, 1906
A map from 1906 of the United States showing the general distribution of cities and towns at the time. The dots on this map show cities and towns, the largest cities are shown by the largest dots. - Frye's First Steps in Geography, 1906.
Curated OER
Etc: Maps Etc: United States Population Density, 1850
A map from 1912 of the United States, subtitled "Distribution of Population and Railways in 1850." The map is color-coded to show population densities ranging from areas with fewer than 2 inhabitants per square mile to areas of 90 or...
Curated OER
Etc: Maps Etc: United States Population Density, 1900
A map from 1912 of the United States, subtitled "Distribution of Population and Railways in 1900" showing the increase in population and expansion of the railroad network since 1850. The map is color-coded to show population densities...
Curated OER
Etc: Maps Etc: Density of Population in the u.s., 1901
A map from 1901 of the United States showing the population distribution at the time. The map is keyed to show areas of population densities ranging from sparse to very dense. This map is part of a classroom map study illustrating how,...
Curated OER
Etc: Movement of the Center of Population, 1790 1920
A map from 1920 of the eastern United States showing the westward progression of the centers of population from 1790 to 1920.
Curated OER
Etc: Movement of the Center of Population, 1790 1910
A map from 1921 showing "the center of population moving westward with varying degrees of rapidity, as indicated by the stars from 1790 to 1910." - Foster, 1921.
Curated OER
Etc: Maps Etc: The United States Cities and Towns, 1897
A base map from 1897 of the contiguous 48 states showing the distribution pattern of the major cities and towns at the time. The size of the dots indicate comparative populations.
Curated OER
Etc: Maps Etc: Population Density From the First Census, 1790
A map of the eastern United States in 1790 showing the western extent of the territories to the Mississippi, and the distribution of European-American population at the time. The map is keyed to show areas of population densities ranging...
Curated OER
Etc: The Center of Population in the United States, 1790 1900
Shows dates that states of Indiana, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington D.