US Senate
Trends in Congressional Appropriations [Pdf]
Provides numerous graphs accompanied by explanations of the government spending since the 1960s. Focuses on the restraint of the 1990s but shows the steady growth in the last forty years. Link to .pdf file. Requires Adobe Reader.
U.s. National Debt Clock: Real Time
Presented to you in real time, discover the most accurate snapshot of our country's spending and debt. Numbers include individual debt per citizen, unemployment rates, Medicare spending, and the trade deficit. Watch and compare as the...
Digital History
Digital History: Reaganomics
This on "Reaganomics," President Reagan's economic policy during his two presidential terms in the 1980s, discusses his laissez-faire approach and tax-cutting, which contributed to the economic recovery of that period.
US Senate
Joint Economic Committee
The Joint Economic Committee, composed of memebers from both the United States Senate and the House of Representatives, reviews economic conditions and recommends improvements in economic policy. The content of the website includes...