Read Works
Read Works: Point of View Unit
[Free Registration/Login Required] A series of three lesson plans designed to teach students first and third person point of view and the differences between them. Lessons are based on the books White Socks Only by Evelyn Coleman, Where...
Quizlet: Point of View Practice for 3rd Grade Test
Point of view example sentences and associated pronouns in this review exercise. The following words are included: first person, second person, third person, I, me, mine, myself, we, us, ours, you, he, she, it, her, his, him, hers,...
Quizlet: Point of View Practice for 3rd Grade Match
Point of view terms are included in this review "Match" game. Questions are provided for the first person point of view and the third person point of view.
Quizlet: Point of View Practice for 3rd Grade Flashcards
Point of view terms are included in this review exercise. Interactive vocabulary flashcards are provided to help students see examples of the first person point of view and third person point of view.
Quizlet: Point of View Test
Point of view terms are included in this assessment. This test assesses the following text feature terms: first person point of view, second person point of view, third person omniscient point of view, third person objective point of...
Quizlet: Point of View Match
Point of view terms are included in this review "Match" game. Questions are provided for the following words: first person point of view, second person point of view, third person point of view, third person omniscient point of view,...
Quizlet: Point of View Learn
In this activity, students will type the point of view term associated with each definition or example. When given a definition or an example, students will practice identifying the following terms: first person point of view, second...
Quizlet: Point of View Flashcards
Point of view terms are included in this review exercise. Flashcards are provided for the following words: point of view, first person point of view, second person point of view, third person limited point of view, third person...
Ksu: Point of View: First Person Narrator
This tutorial surveys the uses and limitations of first-person narration in literature. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.9
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Rl.4.6: Compare/contrast the Point of View From Different Stories
Links to 29 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard RL.4.6: Compare and contrast the point of view from which different stories are narrated, including the difference between first and third person narrations.
South Carolina Educational Television
Know It All: Point of View
The young scholars will be able to explain the difference between first and third person point of view.
Quia: Point of View Quiz
Read each passage and determine if it is written in first, second, or third person point of view in this five question quiz.
Quia: Point of View Millionaire Game
Read a short text and then determine whether it is written in first person, third person, third person limited, or third person omniscient point of view in this Rags to Riches style game.
Quia: Point of View Millionaire Game
Read a short text and then determine whether it is written in first person, third person, third person limited, or third person omniscient point of view in this Rags to Riches style game.
Quia: Point of View Quiz
This interactive activity assesses students' understanding of point of view. Students will read five brief narrative passages; after reading each passage, students will identify the point of view.
English Club
English Club: Six Common Mistakes in Esl Writing
This EnglishClub tutorial provides a list, with brief explanations, of the most common writing mistakes made among English as a Second Language students.
TES Global
Blendspace: Point of View
A learning module with six links to videos and charts that demonstrate first, second, third limited, and third omniscient points of view.
TES Global
Blendspace: Point of View
A fifteen-part learning module with links to images, web sites, videos, and texts about first and third person point of view.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Point of View Instruction
A slide show with twelve slides explaining and giving examples of first, second, and third person point of view.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: First Person Point of View
This lesson introduces the first person point of view.
Bbc Bitesize Revision: Point of View (Narrative Perspective)
This site goes over several tips involved in writing a particular point of view, or narrative perspective, including first person and third person.
Purdue University
Guide to Critical Theory: First Person Narration
This explanation of the term first-person narration provides examples.