Purple Math
Purplemath: Adding Polynomials
Demonstrates how to add polynomials using both the horizontal and vertical formats.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add and Subtract on the Number Line Word Problems
Practice adding and subtracting using the number line. Numbers used are 100 or less. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Practice: Add and Subtract Within 100 Word Problems 1
Practice adding and subtracting within one hundred with these multiple-choice problems.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Practice: Add and Subtract Within 100 Word Problems 2
Practice adding and subtracting within one hundred with these multiple-choice problems.
Toy Theater
Toy Theater: Number Chart 1 to 30
This highly flexible number chart provides a visual guide to help teach counting and adding. Color the chart to find patterns or practice counting forward from any given number.
ICT Games
Ict Games: 100 Hunt Plus 9
You will need to add 9 to the target number given. Find the sum and click it in the hundreds chart. See if you can keep your time score as low as possible.
Math Slice
Math Slice: Connect 4
This resource contains practice problems where students connect four numbers that create the given sum. Students are able to select the range of numbers they will be adding together.
Math Slice
Math Slice: Math Jeopardy
This resource is a jeopardy game where students select questions where they have to determine the two numbers that create the given sum. The sum is a range of 2, 3, 4, and 5 digit numbers. The answers are multiple choice, and students...
SMART Technologies
Smart: Foundational Math Concepts for Elementary Ages
Practice everyday math skills such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, place value, counting money, telling time, fractions, decimals, and more.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Addition Strategies Fact Families
Smart Exchange is an online community that teachers can share resources. This SMART Notebook file is a great introduction to what fact families are and how 3 numbers can be related to one another. This fact house offers activities to...
Tvo Kids: Mysteries of Lagoon Bay
This multiplayer board game allows you to learn about patterning, spelling, tangram puzzles and addition. Collect shiny gems raining down from the sky, but beware of lurking sea monsters.
Expansion Learning
Expansion Learning: Math Activity: Divide and Add
Activity provides students the practice they need to master the skill of dividing then adding. Immediate feedback is given.
Math2.org: Basic Algebraic Identities
The basic identities and properties of addition and multiplication are listed. No explanation, simply the identities.
Metroactive: Scrt's 'The Adding Machine' Tots Up
Homepage for a theatre production of Rice's "The Adding Machine," the page also includes a brief explanation by Rice of his inspiration in writing the play.
Fuel the Brain: Math Madness
Complete the addition, subtraction, or multiplication sentences in this basketball- themed game.