Common Sense Media: Private and Personal Information [Pdf]
In this activity students learn the difference between private information and personal information, distinguishing what is safe and unsafe to share online.
University of Canterbury
University of Canterbury: Cs Unplugged: Information Hiding
This surprising technique discovered by computer scientists that seems impossible allows people to share personal certain kinds of information accurately without having to give up any privacy at all.
Media Smarts
Media Awareness Network: Privacy Pirates
Sail away on the open seas in order to protect your online privacy from the privacy pirates. This animated game helps students become responsible digital citizens as they learn how to keep their personal information secure.
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media: Education: Privacy Rules: Grades 3 5
Students learn that children's websites must protect their private information. They learn to identify these secure sites by looking for their privacy policies and privacy seals of approval. They discuss a scenario in which their private...
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media: Education: Private and Personal Information (3 5)
As students visit sites that request information about their identity, they learn to adopt a critical inquiry process that empowers them to protect themselves and their families from identity theft. They learn the difference between...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Cybersecurity and Economics: Protecting Your Identity Online
Help students answe the esential question, "What should you do before you share information on the Internet?"
Uk Information Commissioner's Office: What Is Personal Information? [Pdf]
In this instructional activity, students will develop their understanding of what is meant by 'personal information' and will create a chart with their own personal information. The exercise will help them to understand how to be careful...
Uk Information Commissioner's Office: Who Needs to Know? Why? [Pdf]
In this lesson, children will consider what personal information is appropriate to share and how this depends on that person's relationship with them. The exercise will help them to understand how to be careful with sharing their...