Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Copper
Kids learn about the element copper and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Plus properties and characteristics of copper.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Fluorine
Investigate the element fluorine and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Plus properties and characteristics of fluorine.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Gallium
Learn about the element gallium and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Plus properties and characteristics of gallium.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Germanium
Learn about the element germanium and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Plus properties and characteristics of germanium.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Halogens
Explore the halogens of the periodic table. Learn about which elements are in this group and the properties, similarities, and other facts.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Helium
Explore the element helium and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Plus properties and characteristics of helium.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Hydrogen
On this website, the element hydrogen and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery are discussed. Plus properties and characteristics of hydrogen.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Iodine
Find out about iodine's atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery on this website. Also learn about the properties and characteristics of iodine.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Iron
On this site, students learn about properties and characteristics of iron. Kids also learn about the element iron and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Lead
On this site, kids learn about the element lead and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Also discussed is its properties and characteristics of lead.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Lithium
Learn about the chemistry of lithium including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery on this website. Explore the properties and characteristics of lithium.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements Radium
On this website, the properties and characteristics of radium are discussed. Kids learn about the element radium and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Scandium
Learn about the element scandium and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery on this site. Plus properties and characteristics of scandium.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Silver
Learn about the element silver and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Also, learn about the properties and characteristics of silver.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Titanium
Kids learn about the element titanium and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Plus properties and characteristics of titanium.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements Transition Metals
Kids learn about the transition metals of the periodic table. Which elements are in this group. Properties, similarities, and other facts.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements Uranium
Kids learn about the element uranium and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Plus properties and characteristics of uranium.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Vanadium
Kids learn about the element vanadium and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery. Plus properties and characteristics of vanadium.
Ducksters: Chemistry for Kids: Elements: Zinc
On this site, students learn about the properties and characteristics of zinc. Kids learn about the element zinc and its chemistry including atomic weight, atom, uses, sources, name, and discovery.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Composition of the Earth
Kids learn about the science of the composition of the Earth. Different layers and what they do.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Crystals
Kid's learn about the science of crystals. Repeating patterns of molecules form interesting shapes.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Dangerous Weather
Kids learn more about the science of dangerous weather. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and thunderstorms.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: The Digestive System
Kids learn more about the science of the human digestive system. How we turn food into energy for our bodies.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Digital Electronics
Kid's learn about the science behind Digital Electronics. How do they work and where did they come from?