Ducksters: Earth Science for Kids: Topography
Kids learn about the Earth science subject of topography including features such as landforms, elevation, latitude, longitude, and topographical maps.
Ducksters: Earth Science for Kids: Weather: Tornadoes
Explore tornadoes on this website! Kids learn about tornadoes including how they form, characteristics, types including supercell and waterspout, categories, and fun facts.
Ducksters: Earth Science for Kids: Tsunamis
Investigate tsunamis including what causes them such as earthquakes, where they occur, why they are dangerous, and what happens during a tsunami event on this website.
Ducksters: Earth Science for Kids: Weather Forecasting and Meteorology
On this website, students can learn about weather forcasting and meteorology including cold and warm fronts, high and low pressure systems, fun facts, and technology.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Earthquakes
Kid's learn about the science of earthquakes. What causes them and where they happen.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Carbon Cycle
Kids learn about the carbon cycle and how this nutrient travels through the ecosystem to sustain life on Earth.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Coral Reef Biome
Kids learn about the coral reef biome. Much of ocean life lives in this important aquatic ecosystem.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Desert Biome
Kids learn about the desert biome. The dryest areas on Earth still have plant and animal life.
Ducksters: Science for Kids: Marine or Ocean Biome
Kids learn about the marine biome. The largest biome by far, the oceans cover most of the Earth's surface.
Ducksters: Environment for Kids: Hydropower Energy
Kids learn about hydropower energy and how this renewable power can help the environment. Teach students about biodiesel, ethanol, and methane gas.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: Galaxies
Kid's learn about the science of Galaxies. Large groups of stars such as the Milky Way throughout the universe are an interesting part of astronomy.
Ducksters: Biology for Kids: Hearing and the Ear
Kids learn about the science of hearing and the ear. A sense that detects sound.
Ducksters: Biology for Kids: List of Human Bones
Kids learn about all the human bones in this list and pictures of the skeleton.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: The Planet Mars
Kids learn about the planet Mars of the Solar System including fun facts, mass, day, year, and distance from the Sun. Astronomy for kids and teachers.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: The Planet Mercury
Kids learn about the planet Mercury of the Solar System including fun facts, mass, day, year, and distance from the Sun. Astronomy for kids and teachers.
Ducksters: Biology for Kids: Muscles in the Human Body
Kids learn about the science of muscles in the human body. How we move and get around.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: The Planet Neptune
Kids learn about the ice giant planet Neptune of the Solar System including fun facts, mass, day, year, and distance from the Sun. Astronomy for kids and teachers.
Ducksters: Biology for Kids: Nervous System in the Human Body
Kids learn about the science of the Nervous System in the human body. Brain, spinal cord, and nerves communicate.
Ducksters: Biology for Kids: Nutrition
Kid's learn about the science of nutrition. Eating the right nutrients can help make you healthy and strong.
Ducksters: Biology for Kids: Photosynthesis
Kids learn about the science of photosynthesis. How plants gather energy from the sun.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: Asteroids
Kids learn about asteroids in the science of astronomy. Large chunks of rock and metal that orbit the Sun including the asteroid belt, Ceres, and Vesta.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: Glossary and Terms
Kids learn about the glossary and terms for the science of astronomy including words and definitions such as asteroid, comet, meteoroid, galaxy, eclipse, etc.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: Comets and Meteors
Kids learn about comets and meteors in the science of astronomy including the coma and tail, meteorites, meteoroids, the Kuiper belt, and the Oort cloud.
Ducksters: Astronomy for Kids: Constellations
Kids learn about the constellations in the science of astronomy. These stars that form patterns when viewed from the Earth have been studied since ancient times.