Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Anna Comena: The Alexiad
Click here to read excerpts from the "Alexiad", a historical account written by the daughter of Byzantine Emperor Alexius I, that chronicles the arrival of the first Crusaders.
Stanford University
Stanford History Education Group: First Crusade
[Free Registration/Login Required] A lesson designed to understand perspectives of Muslims and Christians during the First Crusade. Access primary source documents and a PowerPoint presentation to aid in discussion.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: On the Opening of the First Crusade
A historical document about the opening of the First Crusade, describing preparations and the people involved.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Gregory Vii "Crusade"
This site from the Fordham University is a primary source document which cites Pope Gregory VII's statement calling for a Christian military action to retrieve the Holy Land from the Moslems who now controlled it.
Templar History: Pope Urban Ii (1042 1099)
Templar History briefly explores the life of Pope Urban II, as well as providing several sources for his famous speech, given on November 27, 1095.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness: The Crusaders Capture Jerusalem, 1099
This article provides a general overview of the assault and capture of the Christian "Navel of the World."
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Urban's Speech at Council of Clermont
Fordham University provides an account of the speech given by Poper Urban II, in which he called for the First Crusade. Urban gave the speech at the Council of Clermont in 1095. This version of the speech is the recorded memory of the...
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Pope's Call for the 1st Crusade
Fordham University provides an account of Urban II's speech, in which he called for the First Crusade. Given at the Council of Clermont in 1095, this version of the speech was written by Robert the Monk 25 years after the actual event.
The Peoples' Crusade
Imagine a multinational army of volunteers marching across a continent with minimal organization and direction to take on the most powerful army in the world. This was the People's Crusade, the First Crusade.
Boise State University
History of the Crusades
A class that is available online includes the following Study Units: The Creation of Outremer, Outremer through the Fall of Edessa, Jerusalem Lost, Crusading Fervor, The Last Years and After. Other helpful pages offer timelines, maps,...
University of Michigan
University of Michigan: Pope Urban Ii
A brief report on the life of Pope Urban II.
The Story of the First Crusade: An Overview
An in-depth overview of the major events of the First Crusade.
History of the First Crusade: Alexius I Comnenus: Appeal to Europe
A description of the Byzantine Emperor Alexius Comnenus' appeal for aid from the West against the threatening Turks.
Boise State University
European History: The First Crusade Consequences
Boise State University covers the Consequences of the First Crusade from all important aspects.
Boise State University
Euopean History: The First Crusade
This site covers the First Crusade in-depth. It is broken down into several categories for easier reading.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: History Sourcebook: Europe at the Time of First Crusade
Fordham University provides a map showing the layout of Europe during the time of the First Crusade.