Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Electronic Structure Questions
Practice for the MCAT with these electronic structure questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Electromyography and Passive Filters: Circuitry in Action
Read a passage about electromyography and passive filters and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Electrochemistry Questions
Practice for the MCAT by answering these questions on electrochemistry.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Elasticity and Kinetics of Vulcanized Rubber
Read a passage about the elasticity and kinetics of vulcanized rubber and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Educational Attainment, Income, and Psychiatric Disorders
Read a passage that looks at the connection between educational attainment, income, and psychiatric disorders and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Drug Dependence Questions
Practice for the MCAT with these questions pertaining to drug dependence.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Demographic Disparities in Food Resources
Read a passage about demographic disparities in food resources and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Deconstructionism and Literature
Read a passage about deconstructionism and literature and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Cytoskeleton Questions
Practice for the MCAT with these questions about Cytoskeleton.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Cushing's Syndrome and the Hypothalamic Pituitary Axis
Questions related to the functions of the endocrine systems and ways in which hormones coordinate the organ systems.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Behavior: Learning: Classical and Operant Conditioning Article
Conditioning is a type of learning that links some sort of trigger or stimulus to a human behavior or response. When psychology was first starting as a field, scientists felt they couldn't objectively describe what was going on in...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Counting Systems and the Piraha Tribe
Read a passage about the counting system of the Piraha Tribe and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Electrostatics Questions
Practice for the MCAT by answering these electrostatics questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Electric Field Treatments and Electroporation
Read a passage about Electric Field Treatments (EFT) and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Could Complete Darkness Be the Cure for Amblyopia?
Read a passage about using darkness to cure Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dna Motion in Gel Electrophoresis
Read a passage about gel electrophoresis and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Disparities in Healthcare Access
Read a passage about disparities in healthcare access and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Discrimination Questions
Practice for the MCAT by answering questions on discrimination.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Disaster Risk Knowledge in Nepal
Read a passage about disaster risk reduction in Nepal and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Designing Courthouses
Read a passage about courthouse design and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Coronary Heart Disease and Blood Pressure
Read a passage about coronary heart disease and blood pressure and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Do Artificial Sweeteners Increase Diabetes Risk?
Do artificial sweeteners increase diabetes risk? Read this passage and answer the follow-up questions to practice for the MCAT.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dna Technology Questions
Practice for the MCAT with these questions pertaining to DNA technology.