Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dna Polymerase: Kinetics and Dna Replication
Read a passage about kinetics and DNA replication and answer the follow-up questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Physical Processes: Sound Is a Longitudinal Wave
Discusses the physics of how sound travels. Includes a video of a volcanic eruption that demonstrates the speed of sound waves.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Chemical Processes: Chemistry of Buffers and Buffers in Our Blood
Explains what a buffer is, how it is prepared, how it works to resist drastic changes in pH, and the characteristics of an effective buffer. Human blood also contains a buffer which is crucial for maintaining the blood's pH.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Biomolecules: Dna: Dna Structure and Function
Provides detailed explanation of DNA's structure and function. Includes illustrations.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Behavior: Motivation and Attitudes: Motivation Article
Explains the basic theories of motivation.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Chemical Processes: Thermochemistry: Endothermic vs. Exothermic Reactions
Using an illustrated example, the difference between an endothermic and an exothermic reaction is described. The concept of enthalpy, or heat energy change, is explained, and the energy diagrams of reactions are presented.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Oxidative Phosphorylation: The Major Energy Provider of the Cell
Explains oxidative phosphorylation, which is the fourth step of cellular respiration, and produces the most of the energy in cellular respiration.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Physical Processes: Electrostatics: Electric Potential
Discusses electric forces, electric fields, electric potential, and the role that electric potential plays in enabling materials to pass through a cell membrane.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Mcat: Physical Processes: Atomic Nucleus: Decay Graphs and Half Lives Article
Explains how scientists can tell when radiation has been leaked, how to read a decay graph, what we mean by a half-life, and what carbon dating is.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Test Prep: Mcat: Genes, Environment, and Behavior
The way that you carry a conversation, respond to failure, form relationships with others, and generally behave is in part related to your genetics - but your world and life experiences also shape your attitudes and behaviors. This...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Acceleration Questions
Prepare for the MCAT with these acceleration questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Ace Inhibitors and the Renal Regulation of Blood Pressure
Practice for the MCAT by reading a passage about ACE inhibitors and the renal regulation of blood pressure and answer the follow-up questions based on the provided graph.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Acid/base Questions
Practice for the MCAT with these Acid/base questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: A Clinical Approach to Anemia: Solve the Case
Practice for the MCAT with the following scenario: A homeless patient in the ER is found to have dry, cracked lips and symptoms of severe anemia. Bloodwork was done and the results are included. Review the results and answer the...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Activation of T Lymphocytes
Read a passage about the activation of T lymphocytes and answer the follow-up questions to practice for the MCAT.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Age Related Memory Loss Rb Ap48
Read a passage about age-related memory loss and answer the follow-up questions to practice for the MCAT.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Alcohols and Phenols Questions
Practice for the MCAT with these review questions pertaining to alcohols and phenols.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: A Physical Model of Human Sitting
Practice for the MCAT with this passage, diagram, and question about equilibrium and translational motion.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: A Potential Cure for Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever
Read a passage about a potential cure for Ebola hemorrhagic fever and answer the follow-up questions to practice for the MCAT.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Alcohol Production and Absorption
Read a passage about alcohol production and absorption and answer the follow-up questions to practice for the MCAT.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: A Young Patient With Type 1 Diabetes
Practice for the MCAT by reading a passage about a young patient with Type 1 diabetes and answer the follow-up questions based on the given chart.