Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Simultaneous Hermaphroditism, Egg Trading, and Prisoner's Dilemma
This is a five-question quiz pertaining to game theory in the passage "Simultaneous hermaphroditism, egg trading, and the Prisoner's Dilemma."
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Social Norms and Deviant Behavior
This is a five-question quiz related to social norms and deviant behavior.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Social Psychology Questions
This is a 10-question quiz pertaining to Social Psychology.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Dietary Restriction and Sorority Dynamics
This is a five-question quiz pertaining to the passage "Dietary Restriction and Sorority Dynamics."
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Group Dynamics in a Graduate School Classroom
Answer this five-question quiz pertaining to the passage "Group Dynamics in a Graduate School Classroom."
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Social Interactions Questions 2
This is a five-question quiz pertaining to social interactions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Social Interactions Questions 1
This is a 10-question quiz pertaining to social interactions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Social in Equality Questions
This eight-questions quiz pertaining to social inequality.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Social Conflict Theory in an Historical Context
This five-question quiz is based on the passage "Social Conflict Theory in an Historical Context."
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Sight (Vision) Passage 2
This is a four-question quiz related to the "Sight (Vision) -- Passage 2."
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Feline Night Vision
This is a six-question quiz related to the passage "Feline Night Vision."
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Shortwave Diathermy in Rehabilitative Medicine
Answer six questions pertaining to the passage "Shortwave Diathermy in Rehabilitative Medicine."
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Separations and Purifications Questions
This is a ten-question quiz pertaining to separations and purifications.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: The Speed of a Neural Impulse
Read the passage "The Speed of a Neural Impulse" and completed the related five-question quiz.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: How Movements Influence an Ultrasound
Read the passage "How Movements Influence an Ultrasound" and complete the related five-question quiz.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Sound Questions
Test your knowledge of sound with this ten-question quiz.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Sound Questions
Test your knowledge of sound with this ten-question quiz.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Resonance in a Tube
Read the passage "Resonance in a Tube" and complete the five-question quiz to test your knowledge of sound.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Political Attitudes
Read the passage "Political Attitudes" and complete the related six-question quiz.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Solubility Equilibria Questions
This is a 10-question quiz pertaining to solubility equilibrium.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Sociology of Participation
Read the passage "Sociology of Participation" and then complete the six-question quiz.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Socioeconomic Status and Mental Illnesses
This five-question quiz is based on the passage "Socioeconomic Status and Mental Illnesses."
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Functions of the Basilar Membrane
Read the passage "Functions of the Basilar Membrane" and complete the five-question quiz related to hearing.