Read Works
Read Works: Alexander Graham Bell
[Free Registration/Login Required] This site includes a biography of Alexander Graham Bell. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces essential reading skills and strategies and establishes scaffolding for vocabulary...
Read Works
Read Works: The Dawn of the Mayas
[Free Registration/Login Required] This informational text passage discusses the discovery of the Mayan ruins in Guatemala. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces essential reading skills and strategies and...
Read Works
Read Works: Ride of the Century
[Free Registration/Login Required] This nonfiction passage discusses the New York's subway system history. This passage is intended for guided practice and is designed to reinforce essential reading comprehension skills.
Read Works
Read Works: Abraham
[Free Registration/Login Required] This nonfiction passage describes the life of a wild elephant named Abraham. This passage is a stand-alone curricular piece that reinforces essential reading skills and strategies and establishes...