University of Groningen
American History: Presidents: State of Union 1965
Here one finds President Johnson's address to the nation in which he lays out his legislative priorities and his assessment of foreign affairs the early part of his administration.
Stanford University
Sheg: Document Based History: Reading Like a Historian: Great Society
[Free Registration/Login Required] Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs, i.e., Medicare and Medicaid, were created in the 1960's to curb poverty and racism. This lesson offers students the opportunity to read about the programs and...
History Teacher The Great Society [Pdf]
There were many governmental programs that were part of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society. Find a flow chart that showswhich different programs belonged to which major topics.
Washington Monthly: What Was Really Great About the Great Society
This site offers an article from the "Washington Monthly" in which Joseph Califano, Jr. disputes the claims of conservative pundits that Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs constituted a failed social experiment that wasted the...
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: The Long, Hot Summer
The "long, hot summer" in reality spread over several years of summers in the mid-1960s. Read about the Watts riots in 1965, and the reasons behind racial upheaval in hundreds of American cities over the next three years.