Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Mit: Blossoms: Math and Science Video Lessons

For Teachers 9th - 10th
A collection of STEM video lessons for high school classrooms from the Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies. First, take the teacher video tour, and then search the library by subject area, keyword, or standards to find...

Baltimore County Public Schools: Biomes: Now and When (Online Research Model)

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Biomes lesson designed to answer the question, how do abiotic and biotic factors interact within a biome? integrates biological concepts with literacy knowledge and skills. Includes directed questions, assessment guides, project...

Baltimore Co. Public Schools: Chesapeake Bay Food Webs (Online Research Model)

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Food webs lesson, which focuses on Chesapeake Bay habitats, integrates biological concepts with literacy knowledge and skills. Lesson directs students to answer the question, how does a human-caused stress placed on the environment...

Exploratorium: Microscope Imaging Station: Classroom Explorations

For Teachers 9th - 10th
These microscope activities provide students with lots to explore. Activities include the characteristics of living things, math in science, cell biology, genetics, physiology, and mitosis.
Discovery Education

Discovery Education: 9 12 Teacher Resources

For Students 9th - 10th
A plethora of resources, science teachers can utilize this education center for academically aligned lesson plans and video clips for middle and high school students.