Class Flow: Atmospheric Layers
[Free Registration/Login Required] The Earth: The student demonstrates knowledge of how processes which shape and affect the Earth and how it relates to the Universe.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Ionosphere Facts
Learn facts about the ionosphere. It is an extension of the thermosphere, one of the five layers of the atmosphere.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Layers of the Atmosphere in Order
Describes each of the five layers of the atmosphere from the troposphere, which is closest to the Earth, up to the outermost one, the exosphere.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Layers of the Atmosphere
This notebook file takes students through the layers of the atmosphere with discussion opportunities for each.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Atmospheric Chemistry Memory Game
Choose a difficulty level. Then click on the tiles (squares) to reveal pictures of molecules. Try to match two pictures.