Pbs Nova: Deep Sea Invasion: Battling Introduced Wildlife
Many species that have been introduced for the purpose of dealing with a problem such as erosion or a rat epidemic, instead become invasive. How can these invasive species be eradicated? Eminent ecologist Dan Simberloff explains some of...
Pbs Nova: Design a Renewable Future
This interactive Lab investigates what energy is, how it can be converted into useful forms, and why some sources are running low. The Research Challenge allows students to design their own renewable energy systems to generate power in...
Pbs Nova: Play a Virtual Market
Use this site to trade traditional stocks and learn how trading stocks in the market can increase your wealth (or decrease it too!)
Pbs Nova: Deep Sea Invasion: The Impact of Invasive Species
Explore the four levels of impact that invasive species can have. Several different invasive species are featured in this overview of the impact an invasive species can have.
Pbs Nova: Killer Tornado of 1928
This resource provides a remarkable first-hand account of the day a tornado struck a small town in Nebraska in 1928 taking lives, injurying many, and causing much devastaion.