Is the Speed of Light Constant?
Using a question and answer format, this page discusses the question: "Is the Speed of Light Constant?" Discusses some of the history and experiments performed with light and the conclusions drawn from those findings.
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Magnet Academy: Foucault's Disk
Leon Foucault, a French physicist much better known for his pendulum demonstrating the rotation of the Earth, also created in 1855 a device that illustrated how eddy currents work. (Java tutorial)
New Advent
Catholic Encyclopedia: Jean Bertrand Leon Foucault
A lengthy biographical sketch from The New Advent of Jean-Bertand-Leon Foucault (1819-1868 CE) physicist and mechanician. Discusses his upbringing, scientific work, major accomplishments and published articles. Please note that "The...
University of Maryland
University of Maryland: Optics Highlights: Wave Optics
Part of an anecdotal history of optics and the study of light. Extremely thorough treatment of how scientists came to believe in the wave nature of light. Includes a short biographical sketch and discusses the work of Thomas Young...
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Science World: Huygens, Christiaan
This ScienceWorld site provides a short biographical sketch of Christiaan Huygens and describes his most notable scientific discoveries and contributions. Links are provided throughout for additional information as well.
Harvard University
Web Science Resources: A Brief History of Optics
This timeline compiles an enormous amount of historical information from the field of optics. From 300 BCE to the present, strategic experiments, findings, and theories are described.