Sophia Learning
Sophia: Common Issues With Conclusions
This lesson goes over common issues in conclusions.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Common Issues With Homophones
This lesson goes over homophones that are commonly confused.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Commonly Confused Words
This lesson goes over similar words that are commonly confused.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Common Words With Multiple Meanings
This lesson introduces common words with multiple meanings.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Comparison and Contrast Transition Words
This lesson goes over comparison and contrast transition words.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Comparison and Contrast Transition Words
This lesson goes over comparison and contrast transition words.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Complements
To identify the different types of complements (subject, object, verb). To show the different ways in which they complete ideas.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Complete Subject
This lesson discusses the concept of the complete subject of the sentence.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Compound Sentences
This lesson introduces compound sentences and how they are constructed.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concise Language: Avoiding Elevated Language
This lesson discusses limiting the use of elevated language in writing.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concise Language: Avoiding Redundancy
This lesson introduces the concept of redundancy in writing.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concise Language: "To Be" Less Wordy
This lesson goes over how to reduce wordiness in writing.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Omitting Words From Quotations
This lesson goes over how to alter a quotation by removing word or lines.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: One vs. You
This lesson discusses using "one" or "you" for the general case.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Writing Numbers
This lesson goes over the formatting rules for using numbers in text.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Zeugma
This lesson introduces zeugma and goes over how it is used in writing.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Analytical Paper: Organization
This lesson discusses structuring an outline for an analytical paper.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Anthropomorphic Characterization
This lesson introduces anthropomorphic characterization in fiction writing.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Antonyms
This lesson defines antonyms, explains where to locate them in a dictionary and thesaurus, discusses why it is helpful to know antonyms, and provides examples. Offered in both text and audio formats.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apa Bibliography: Interview Sources
This lesson introduces how to format an interview or lecture in an APA bibliography.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Apa Bibliography: Sound Recordings
This lesson introduces how to format a sound recording in an APA bibliography.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Avoiding Digressions
This lesson explains how to avoid digressions when answering reading comprehension questions.