Sophia Learning
Sophia: Choosing a Present Tense
This video lesson focuses on choosing a present tense; it discusses present tense and when to use it. It lists and discusses each of the four types of present tense -- simple present, present progressive (also called present continuous),...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Choosing a Present Tense
This video lesson focuses on the choosing the correct form of a present tense verb. She uses 3 different base words and takes them through forming all forms of the present tense and what must be included in each: simple present, present...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Civil Liberties and Due Process
Learning packet was created to provide students with an understanding of the civil liberties a United States citizen is entitled to without interference from government.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Colons
This video lesson focuses on the rules for using colons. Includes a multiple choice quiz to check for understanding. [2:28] L.9-10.2b Colons
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Colons and Dashes
This lesson focuses on colons and dashes: it includes why and how to use them and practice using them. It offers a slide show and a YouTube video covering colons and a slide show and a YouTube video covering dashes, including how dashes...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Colons and Dashes
This tutorial offers two slideshows: one for colons and one for dashes. They each state the purpose of the mark and tell when they are used along with examples.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Commas
This comma tutorial include 5 slideshows: 1. how and when to use or not use commas, 2. proper use of commas in coordinating clauses, 3. proper use of commas in lists, 4. proper use of commas in introductory phrases, and 5. proper use of...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Commas in a Series
This slideshow focuses on the use of commas in a series. It discusses the rule for commas in a series; requirements of a series; words, phrases, and clauses in a series; and comma placement.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Commonly Misused Words
This tutorial focuses on commonly misused words; it offers a slide show with lists of misused words and their meanings, as well as, common mistakes and how to avoid them. It also offers a video with similar information, but with an audio...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Commonly Misused Words: How Their Effects Affect You
This tutorial focuses on commonly misused words with a variety of media. It offers a YouTube video, "Using the Correct Words;" an infographic which lists 8 commonly misused word sets in comic format; a slide show with tips for the...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Commonly Misused Words
This tutorial focuses on commonly misused words such as homophones and homonyms; it provides a video and two slideshows. The YouTube video shows humorous misrepresentatations of words. The first of the two slideshows defines terms and...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Common Question Types
This lesson focuses on the six main types of reading comprehension questions: main idea, purpose, tone, inference, detail, and definition. It explains each type and offers examples in text and in audio formats.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Common Symbols
This slideshow focuses on common symbols including definition and background information, identification, and lists of common symbols and their meanings by category: colors, flowers, animals, seasons, elements, religious, weather,...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Common Words With Multiple Meanings
This lesson explains common words with multiple meanings: some similar and some very different meanings and the impact of parts of speech on meaning. It discusses six common words with their multiple meanings and different parts of...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Comparing and Contrasting Texts
This tutorial focuses on writing a comparison and contrast paper for both literary texts and informational texts. It offers a YouTube video about writing a synthesis paper using either a point by point or a source by source arrangement....
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Comparison and Contrast Essays
This lesson focuses on the comparison and contrast essays; it defines new terms: compare/contrast essay, yin/yang Venn diagram, block comparison, and point by point comparison. It also provides a slideshow which defines and discusses the...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Complete Subject
This lesson focuses on how to find the complete subject of a sentence; it defines simple and complete subject with examples, provides sample sentences with both the simple and complete subjects identified, and offers tips for how to find...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Complex Sentences
This slideshow lesson focuses on complex sentences; it explains what makes up a complex sentence: independent clause, dependent clause, and a subordinate conjunction. It discusses placement, order, and how to punctuate them accordingly.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Compound Complex Sentences
This slideshow lesson focuses on compound complex sentences. It explains what they are including the requirements, how they are put together, how to punctuate them, and provides examples showing the various sentence structures.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concise Language Adds Zest!
This slideshow focuses on how to revise writing using concise language by eliminating unnecessary words and redundancy, avoiding generic phrases, using active voice and familiar terms, and looking for just the right words to convey...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concise Language
This tutorial focuses on concise language by eliminating empty phrases and redundant words. It offers a video showing poor communication due to redundancy and a slide show which lists common empty phrases and provides an exercise to help...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concise Language
This tutorial focuses on writing more concisely and editing your text to make it more concise. It offers a slide show that presents 5 editing techniques and examples of each, and a video lesson of how to write summaries and how to write...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concise Language: Qualifiers and Intensifiers
This slideshow focuses on removing unnecessary qualifiers and intensifiers to make writing more concise. It defines each term, gives examples, shows how removing them does not affect sentence meaning, and provides a partial list of each.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concise Language: Removing the Excess
This slideshow lesson compares writing to meat; lean meat is healthier for you as is lean writing. It lists common phrases to eliminate, explains intensifiers and suggests using them sparingly, provides a wordy paragraph and the trimmed...