Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 2.nbt Saving Money 1
In this lesson plan students use strategies based on place value to add and subtract within 100.
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Better Lesson: Go Fishing for a Ten
Second graders use a familiar card game to help them build their math fact fluency for facts where the sum is 10.
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Better Lesson: Extending Partners of 10 and 100
Second graders use their partners of 10 to add numbers to 1,000 in partners of 100.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Go Fishing for Doubles
Second graders play a favorite card game which practices the quick and accurate recall of double facts.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Applying the Basics!
Using base-ten materials and place-value skills, 2nd graders gain a better understanding of how to add and subtract numbers.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Any Order
The numbers in an addition number sentence (addends) can be added in any order and the sum remains the same.
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Better Lesson: Patterns in Larger Numbers
Patterns are everywhere. We can use patterns to help us deal with larger numbers
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Missing Number Equations
Second graders will become more comfortable making sense of equations presented in missing answer (traditional) and missing number ( nontraditional) formats.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Subtracting With Partners of 100
When subtracting ten from a 2 digit number, 2nd graders should be able to compute the answer as fluently and comfortably as do when they add ten to a 2 digit number.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Manipulation Central
Not everyone solves a problem in the same way. Reinforcing that different strategies can be used effectively is the goal of this instructional activity.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Mentally Speaking!
Using base ten blocks and place value, 2nd graders explore how to become more fluent in adding and subtracting two-digit numbers without regrouping.
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Better Lesson: The Neighbors of Doubles
The big idea of this lesson is that students can solve for near doubles by thinking of the related doubles fact.
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Better Lesson: More Than Two Numbers
The big idea of this lesson is that three (or more) numbers can be grouped together and added. The order of this grouping doesn't matter.
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Better Lesson: Math'n It Up!
Given a two-step word problem students will be ask to solve, and create their own math model of the given problem.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Making a Ten
Making ten is one of the foundational strategies for developing flexible numerical thinking, accuracy, and efficiency.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Double Trouble
Second graders can think about doubles facts as world situations to help commit them to memory.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Domino Addition: Understanding the Part/part/whole Relationship
The big idea of this instructional activity is the understanding that addition can be represented as parts of a whole and that we can use addition sentences to represent those parts.