Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: A rei.b.4.a: Visualizing Completion of the Square
The purpose of this visualization task is to help provide geometric intuition for the algebraic process called ''completing the square.'' Aligns with HSA-REI.B.4.a.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: A Rei: How Does the Solution Change?
The purpose of this task is to ask students to reason about solutions without explicitly solving them to get them to understand what it means for a number to be a solution to an equation. Aligns with A-REI.A.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: A Rei: Braking Distance
The purpose of this task is to give an application arising from a real-world situation, determining braking distance, in which a quadratic equation arises. In this scenario, it is natural to use a graphical method to find an approximate...