Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Fracturing Tales Through Titles
Students read The Wolf Who Cried Boy by Bob Hartman and then write their own fractured fairy tales using first-person point of view and dialogue. Teacher and student instructions are provided along with student writing samples, an...
Read Write Think: The Big Bad Wolf: Analyzing Point of View in Texts
In this lesson, students will research a fairy tale and analyze it based on the point of view. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.6
Read Write Think: Exploring Satire With Shrek
The movie Shrek introduces the satirical techniques of exaggeration, incongruity, reversal, and parody. Students brainstorm fairy tale characteristics, identify satirical techniques, then create their own satirical versions of fairy tales.
Orca Book Publishers
Orca Book Publishers: Things Are Looking Grimm, Jill Teaching Guide [Pdf]
Things are Looking Grimm, Jill, a novel by Dan Bar-el, follows the adventures of Princess Jill as she meets characters from the Grimm Brothers fairy tales. This teacher's guide includes a book summary, teaching ideas and the author's...
Orca Book Publishers
Orca Book Publishers: Things Are Looking Up, Jack Teaching Guide [Pdf]
Things are Looking Up, Jack. a novel by Dan Bar-el, follows the adventures of King Jack and his sister, Princess Jill, as they meet characters from the Grimm Brothers fairy tales and try to solve a mystery. This teacher's guide includes...
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: Bubba the Cowboy Prince a Fractured Texas Tale
Improve students' reading fluency while providing fun and purposeful practice and performance through Reader's Theater Scripts. The focus is on reading the text with expressive voices and gestures - no memorization required! Have fun...