University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: This Just In! Sand Dunes Are Cruising on Mars!
New pix from Mars show sand dunes on the move. Mars has been dry for 1.5 billion years; could massive erosion be due to wind?
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Science World: Science World of Astronomy: Snc Meteorites
View a chart displaying various kinds of meteorites collected on earth and read a technical article describing the manner in which they are studied. Provides a link to more information about the planet Mars and the role it plays in the...
University of Hawai'i
Pretty Green Mineral Pretty Dry Mars
Olivine-bearing rocks, similar to those found in Hawaii, have been found on Mars. Use this site to learn more about what has been found on Mars.
Nova: Mars: Mars From Afar
View several different surface features of Mars as taken by the Mars Global Surveyor. Explanation of each of the geologic features accompanies each photograph.
Nasa Space Science Data Archive: Photo Gallery: Mars
A huge collection of pictures of Mars, including shots from spacecraft and landers. Extensive coverage of controversial features like the "face on Mars" with comparison photos from Viking and Mars Global Surveyor.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Path to Mars
Students use websites and other resource materials to compare and contrast features of Mars and Earth.
Pbs Teachers: Welcome to Mars: Mars Up Close Spirit and Opportunity
Take an interactive, narrated tour through some of the most stunning and outlandish images and data sent back by the two Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity. Consider the many reasons why scientists are certain that Mars had a wet past.
Nasa Star Child: Olympus Mons
General information about the biggest mountain in the solar system, Olympus Mons. Includes one image. Vocabulary words are linked to a glossary of terms.
Nasa: Space Place: Explore Mars: A Mars Rover Game
Drive a rover on Mars and collect information about Martian rocks.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Found! Caves on Mars
From ABC News in Science, Irene Klotz's article explores the existence of seven caves on the surface of Mars. These caves could lead to the possibility of the existence of life (or past lifeforms) on Mars.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: And Now, the Weather on Mars
From ABC News in Science, Marilyn Head's article explores recent developments in technology allowing for a closer rendering of information related to the various weather conditions on Mars.
Nasa: The Face on Mars
Detailed images and information compare the Viking and Mars Global Surveyor evidence. Determine for yourself if this is a natural or artificial feature on the surface of Mars.
Images Suggest Recent Sources of Liquid Water on Mars
Gullies seen on martian cliffs and crater walls in a small number of high-resolution images from the Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera suggest that liquid water has seeped onto the surface in the geologically recent past. Very...