Calculator Soup
Calculator Soup: Adding Fractions Calculator
Add and subtract proper and improper fractions with this calculator and see the work involved in the solution.
Ixl Learning: Adding Fractions With Like Denominators
Brush up on your math skills pertaining to adding fractions with like denominators then try some practice problems to test your understanding.
Homeschool Math
Homeschool Math: Finding the (Least) Common Denominator
Students learn about finding a common denominator in fraction addition and subtraction.
Homeschool Math
Homeschool Math: Adding and Subtracting Decimals With Two Decimal Digits
This is a complete lesson with instruction, word problems, and exercises about adding and subtracting decimals with two decimal digits (hundredths).
Homeschool Math
Homeschool Math: Adding Like Fractions and Mixed Numbers
This lesson teaches how to add like fractions and mixed numbers with like fractional parts using visual models (pies, fraction bars). It includes lots of exercises.
Bbc: Bitesize Revision: Multiplying & Dividing Fraction
You can get a brief look at how to multiply and divide fractions at this location. Examples are clear and easy to follow.