National Institutes of Health
Paleoindian Large Mammal Hunters on the Plains of North America (1998)
Published journal article that details faunal studies, hunting, weaponry, hunting strategy, butchering, and ritual activities. Seven cultural complexes are considered: Clovis, Goshen, Folsom, Agate Basin, Hell Gap, Alberta, and Cody.
Geo Times: The Ice Free Corridor Revisited
A very comprehensive article about the ice-free corridor which was possibly the passageway for Paleoindians to enter North America. The discussion includes geology as well as anthropolpgy.
Trans Pacific Project: Transpacific Migrations
What an incredible resource that looks at Transpacific migrations peopling the Western Hemisphere, the Pacific islands, and the Chinese diaspora. Included is information about genetic research that traces DNA patterns across the world....
Cabrillo College: Who Was First? Untangling America's Prehistoric Roots
Offers a very short overview of the importance of Spirit Cave man and includes a facial reconstruction. Links to Luzia, Kennewick Man, Prince of Whales Island Man, and Clovis Culture.
Live Science: First American Settlers Not Who We Thought
This article discusses findings that point to a pre-Clovis, New-World-humans model through artifacts dug up at various archaeological spots thoughout the Americas.