Wikipedia: Galvanic Cell
Luigi Galvani discovered the galvanic cell by experimenting with nerves on a frog leg! This on-line encyclopedia discusses how to find the electric potential of a galvanic cell along with an explanation of how unwanted galvanic cells are...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Magnet Academy: Luigi Galvani
Luigi Galvani was a pioneer in the field of electrophysiology, the branch of science concerned with electrical phenomena in the body. His experiments with dissected frogs and electrical charges led him to suggest the existence of a...
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Magnet Academy: Timeline of Electricity and Magnetism: 1775 1799
Scientists take important steps toward a fuller understanding of electricity, as well as some fruitful missteps, including an elaborate but incorrect theory on animal magnetism that sets the stage for a groundbreaking invention.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Luigi Galvani
Learn about the life and discoveries of Luigi Galvani.