The image.com: Gem Gallery
Learn all about gemstones at this site. Here you can view gem images and read the very detailed descriptions and general information facts pertaining to select gems.
Amethyst Galleries
Amethyst Galleries: Mineral Gallery: The Garnet Group of Minerals
This site gives information of the physical and chemical characteristics of all the different kinds of minerals in the garnet group.
US Geological Survey
Usgs: Production of Specific u.s. Gemstones
Photos of the principal gemstones produced in the United States, including an introduction to historical and other background information for each one.
San Diego Natural History Museum
San Diego Natural History Museum: Mineral Matters: Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently asked rock and mineral questions are answered and illustrated.
Scienceviews.com: Minerals and Their Uses
Every segment of society uses minerals and mineral resources everyday. The roads we ride or drive on and the buildings we live learn and work in all contain minerals. Below is a selected list of commonly used metallic and nonmetallic...
Jewelry Central
Jewelry Central: Gemstones
This commercial site contains general information on various synthetic and natural gemstones and provides links to specific gems.
Jewelry Central
Jewely Central: Garnet
This commercial site provides a brief description of the garnet, along with historical background on the gem.
Icga: Garnets
This site gives information on garnets, including descriptions of various varieties. Includes information about color, fashion, and use. Also provides pictures.
Gem Hut: Garnet
This commercial site gives information about garnet, including some of the varieties and where they are found. It also has pictures.
Curated OER
This commercial site provides a brief description of the garnet, along with historical background on the gem.
Curated OER
This commercial site provides a brief description of the garnet, along with historical background on the gem.