US Census Bureau
U.s. Census: Population
This site is great for gathering sociological data. Data can be related to a wide variety of topics. Great for research!
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Seventh Grade Mathematics: Data Sense
This site has some interesting ways to collect and evaluate data. There are some activities about note taking, spreadsheets, surveys, and a cool bridge construction project. Teachers may want to use this site as a resource for some...
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Project Sky Math
Teachers will be interested to explore the SkyMath module, and the 16 classroom activities at this site. In this program, learners will collect and record real-time weather data to analyze. Data analysis, graphing, number relationship,...
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California Santa Barbara
Nceas: Graph Types
At this site from NCEAS you can learn how to organize your data into pie graphs, bar graphs, and line graphs. Explanations and examples are given of each graph along with several questions that check comprehension.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Foods Third Graders Like
Third graders gather simple data, represent it on a bar graph, and answer simple, complex, and open-ended questions about the data.
McREL International
Mc Rel: Whelmer #42 Learning Activity: Fire Sandwich
An easy to do activity if you have a Bunsen burner. The activity investigates combustion and heat conductivity. The activity is in lesson plan format that meets NSES standards.