Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Sti Lesson 3: Fifties/sixties Musical Playwriting
This unit appeals to multiple intelligences, encourages interdisciplinary learning, reinforces self-confidence, and stimulates creativity, co-operation and critical thinking. Using songs with a strong narrative, students are asked to...
Wikipedia: Tragedy
This encyclopedia entry from Wikipedia about tragedies discusses its Greek origins; the typical characteristics of a tragedy; and lists some examples of ancient Greek, Roman, English, and modern-day writers of tragedies.
Musicals 101
Musicals 101: History of the Musical Stage: 1900 1910
This site discusses the development of the stage musical from 1900-1910. Includes a section on The Wizard of Oz.
University of Victoria (Canada)
University of Victoria: Classical Comedy
This resource speaks of classical comedy mostly in reference to William Shakespeare. It tells of what Shakespeare probably studied in Grammar School, and the source for his play, Comedy of Errors.